Physiotherapy is a safe and cost-efficient method of pain management.
Physiotherapists play an important role in the treatment of both acute and chronic pain.
Following a thorough evaluation, the physiotherapist will collaborate with you to create a treatment plan that will help you manage your pain while also addressing the underlying causes of your symptoms to prevent recurrence.
At Zone Active Physio Clinic, expert physiotherapists advise pain alleviation exercises, therapeutic devices, and education to prevent further deterioration in acute pain.
In the case of chronic pain, physiotherapists work on root cause management. They teach you some coping skills and crucial lifestyle changes.
Based on the latest research done on pain, multimodal physiotherapy is the most successful method of pain management. A multimodal physiotherapy plan incorporates education, awareness, mindfulness, ergonomics, muscle re-learning, exercises, pain relief machines, and a few techniques that your therapist performs on you, such as manual therapy – A mixture of all has led to many success stories.
Methods and modes of pain management:
1. Therapeutic exercises that work like pain killers.
2. Electro-modality includes laser, ultrasound, TENS, IFT, Russian currents, and superficial heating modalities.
3. Education to identify and avoid factors that aggravate pain.
4. Techniques and coping strategies, such as relaxation, help to facilitate pain relief.
Since everyone experiences pain differently, the pain management protocol also varies people to people.
Call or visit Zone Active Physio Clinic to understand and reduce your pain.